New myopia control resource available for BCLA members

Myopia control has the potential to transform the way we tackle short sightedness in children, but just how much do you and your patients know about the science behind this ground-breaking treatment?
The BCLA has published a new online resource  to fully explain the theory behind the innovative approach and allow you to make a full evaluation of a child’s risk factors for myopia development.
These new guidelines, put together by Janis Orr of Aston University with the support of Nicola Logan and Prof James Wolffsohn, explain what myopia is, how it can be managed and how it’s a growing condition worldwide. Image on right: Myopic eye (where the eye has grown too long and rays of light focus in front of the retina, leading to blurred vision) .

We hope it becomes the go-to resource to help eye care professionals demystify what, at first glance, can seem an extremely complicated issue for parents and patients.
A child’s binocular vision status, age and refraction, family history, visual tasks and capabilities with modality options must all be considered when looking at myopia control and this fully-referenced document explains all the options available to help ensure the patient is given the best possible care to suit them.

The guidelines are available for members to download now and we hope you find them useful to share with your patients.

Download this exclusive members-only document here.

By becoming a BCLA members you can access this resource plus many more. Find out more about BCLA membership and how to join here.