Do you really know the best techniques to ensure contact lens patients get the best possible correction? 

Could you benefit from top tips to help you assess the visual needs of someone who has never worn lenses before?
If the answer to either of those questions is yes, a lecture being held at the first BCLA UK could be the perfect way to brush up on your knowledge and boost your confidence with contact lenses.
The talk, by optometrist Mark Mayhew, will help delegates understand how to best assess the visual needs of a prospective contact lens wearer and choose the most appropriate lens modality and option.

It will discuss the techniques available to modern eye care practitioners to assess the  visual function of the contact lens wearer to get the best possible correction and all those attending will learn more about how to best assess the visual problems in contact lens patients presenting for their routine aftercare.

Delegates will have the opportunity to put a host of cutting-edge techniques into practice, including x-cyl, retinoscopy and binocular assessments, and discuss how these could be used in their day-to-day working environment.

The talk will be held as part of a series of CET lectures during BCLAUK – a new event aimed at boosting eye care professionals’ confidence with contact lenses and maximising the potential of both themselves and their practice.

Up to 44 CET points will be available covering the following competencies;  8/8 for Optoms; 8/9 for DOs; 5/5 for CLOs; and 6/9 Therapeutic Points.

You can get more information on BCLAUK and to register for the event here.